Friday, September 21, 2007

What you'll need: a wide-ranging selection of odd items to put on your head

A little girl who is disappointed in the hat she receives as a gift tries on all sorts of odd things (a lamp shade, a flowerpot, an old-fashioned TV antenna) to see if they make better headgear. Taking inspiration from Jenny's experiments, pretend your house is a hat store and round up a number of possible toppers. Nothing cracks a baby up like the sight of you wearing a tea cozy on your head. A cardboard box, a plastic bowl, a pair of shorts or leggings, or a wicker basket can also do the trick. As you put each object on your head, make a perplexed face at your baby and ask (à la Dr. Seuss), "Do you like my hat?" For a real capper, sit your baby in front of a mirror and let her try on the silly millinery for size.

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